Low noise and high bandwidth
InGaAsPIN Balance detector
The RZPD-200M-AC is a low-noise, high-bandwidth I nGaAsPIN balancing detector consisting of two balanced
photodiodes, ultra-low noise high-speed amplification circuit, and noise floor power supply. The two photodiodes are
matched to achieve an excellent common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) for better noise reduction. It is mainly used in
laser wind measurement, laser vibration measurement, optical fiber sensing and other ultra-low and weak light coherent
■ Features
● High transimpedance gain:30kV/A
● High bandwidth:AC-200Mhz
● Response scope: 800~1700nm
● Low output noise and CMRR
■ Application
● Laser wind measurement
● Laser vibrometry
● Fiber optic sensing
● Ultra-low weak optical coherence
■ Maximum absolute rating
parameter Unit Symbol Value
Operating temperature ℃ TC -40~+85
Storage temperature ℃ TSTG -55~+100
Saturation input optical po wer uW Pin 150
Module operating voltag e V Vcc 5
Module power consum ption mW Pw 800
■Optoelectronic performance(T=25℃, 5V Power supply,Ri=50Ù)
Feature parameters symbol Value Unit
Min Typ Max
Spectral response range ë 800~1700 nm
-3dBbandwidth BW AC-200 Mhz
Detector responsivenes s Rv 0.95 A/W
Transimpedance gain G 30 KV/A
Saturation input optical p ower Pin 150 uW
Equivalent noise NEP 4 pW/√Hz
Common-mode Rejection R atio CMRR 3 0 dB
Output impedance Ro 50 Ù
Supply voltage Vcc 5 V
Supply current Icc 140 mA
Optical input FC/APC
Signal output SMA
Specialist in Special Optic Devices
■ Dimensions
Website: www.csrayzer.cn
Tel: +86-17707135527 CSRayzer Optical Technology Co., Ltd Email: INTL@csrayzer.com
Specialist in Special Optic Devices
Website: www.csrayzer.cn
Tel: +86-17707135527 CSRayzer Optical Technology Co., Ltd Email: INTL@csrayzer.com